What does it bring to customers
Trust Africa

It has been ten years since China and Africa proposed the "the Belt and Road", and China Africa cooperation is entering a new stage of high-quality development. Among the 53 African countries that have established diplomatic relations with China, 52 countries and the AU Commission have signed cooperation documents with China to jointly build the "the Belt and Road". While large state-owned and private enterprises in China are helping Africa build more efficient digital industries, Changxing Group will help African enterprises and high-quality products truly land, more conveniently reach Chinese consumers, make China Africa trade closer, and provide employment and improve lives for more African people.

The domestic products of Zhiguang brand series incubated by Changxing Group firmly follow the road of quality and serve Chinese consumers well. At the same time, with the advantages of the "the Belt and Road", it will export Chinese goods to Africa, so that African friends can also enjoy high-quality domestic products. The "the Belt and Road" is based on cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win results. China has new development and Africa has new opportunities.

We will help more African products export to China, and we are also advocates of fair trade. With every consumption, you will make small-scale farmers or producers in Africa smile. You are helping us give them a decent life and eradicate poverty from their communities.