about ChanX Group
The ChanX Group team was established in 2015 and is located in Songjiang District, Shanghai. The group deeply cultivates the dual engine strategy between China and Africa, creating a bilateral trade between China and Africa that highlights domestic products and imports high-quality goods.
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Trust Africa
Closer trade between China and Africa, enabling more African people to obtain employment and improve their lives
The ChanX Group follows the country's construction of the "the Belt and Road" between China and Africa. It is based on cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win results. China's new development and Africa's new opportunities.

开普山谷闪耀亮相第七届中国国际进口博览会,倡导健康生活新趋势2024年11月5日-10日,备受瞩目的第七届中国国际进口博览会(简称“进博会”)在上海国家会展中心圆满落下帷幕。这场为期数日的国际经贸盛会,以“新时代,共享未来”为主题,吸引了全球各地的参展商和采购商齐聚一堂,共同探索新时代的合作与发展机View Details
西开普省政府与标准银行高管联合访问常行集团,共谋中非合作新篇章11月5日,南非西开普省政府及标准银行高管代表团对常行集团进行了一次意义深远的访问参观。此次访问的核心重点在于加强中南合作,推动常行集团在南非乃至整个非洲的业务发展。 西开普省政府在此次访问中展现了其对促进地区经济发展和国际合作的积极View Details
常行集团携南非好物亮相XKA品牌面对面溯源活动2024年8月3日,长沙 —— 在这个热情如火的夏日,常行集团荣幸受邀参加由XKA品牌举办的面对面溯源活动。此次活动汇聚了来自全国各地的数百位团长,共同见证了一场品牌盛宴。View Details